Hydration: The secret of beauty & antiaging

How is moisture retained in the skin?

The stratum corneum of the skin is covered by the hydrolipid barrier that protects it from dehydration. The role of the hydrolipid barrier is to maintain moisture and elasticity, regulate the penetration of fats and restore the pH of the skin to normal levels.

It is found in keratinocytes and consists of components that attract water, such as amino acids, sugars, urea, inorganic ions and lactic acid, components that are water-soluble and carried away by water.

For this reason, it is very easy to upset the balance from the wrong use of products, as well as from the sea water or the pool water and the sun.

Definition of Hydration

Hydration is the process by which an effort is made to maintain skin moisture either by preventing the evaporation of water, or by providing additional moisture.

Tips to stay hydrated

  1. Internal hydration is achieved by drinking 2-3 liters of water a day and by consuming fruits and vegetables
  2. Use of sunscreen
  3. Using appropriate moisturizers that ideally contain glycerin, panthenol hyaluronic acid, and antioxidants such as glycolic and salicylic acid and vitamins C & E
  4. For deeper hydration and detoxification of the skin, the application of mesotherapy with Jet Peel is recommended, through which active ingredients penetrate into the deep layers of the skin, and long-lasting hydration is offered for glowing and elastic skin, which becomes resistant to difficult conditions. There are no restrictions on recovery and it can be applied in all seasons