Preventive laser treatment on the coccyx line

What is a pilonidal cyst?

Pilonidal cyst (or “capillary fistula”) is a fairly common condition found in the skin of the coccyx. This condition is caused by the penetration of hair into the skin, which usually occurs in this area.

What are the causes of its occurrence?

The exact causes of the disease are not known. Many theories have been formulated but none have prevailed. The main risk factors for its occurrence are:

  • Dense hair growth in the area of ​​the coccyx
  • The constant pressure on the hair follicles in the area either from the movement of the buttocks or in people who spend many hours sitting (e.g., drivers). This leads to favourable conditions for the growth of germs (humidity, friction, poor ventilation of the area)
  • Obesity

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