Compression Therapy – Ballancer Pro

What is compression therapy and what are its benefits

Compression therapy with Ballancer Pro is a method of lymphatic drainage, applied in cases of oedema (swelling), in the post-traumatic and postoperative stages, from lack of movement, from chronic inflammation, but also as a means of recovery after intense sports activity, combating it.

A machine with special components is applied to the lower body and provides uniform compression to the injured area, mechanically reducing the area where the swelling may accumulate. Through the pressure-decompression in the successive air compartments present in the machine, the end is compressed from the periphery to the centre. This sequential compression mimics the normal compression exerted by the muscles on the veins (muscle pump) and thus the blood and lymph return through the circulation from the extremities to the centre of the body.

The main mechanism of the effectiveness of presotherapy is the increase of venous and arterial blood flow. It has also been shown that the method can be effective after training / competition as a means of recovery. Removing the products / waste from the extremities helps to reduce the phenomenon of “delayed muscle pain” (DOMS), to reduce injuries as well as to faster recovery after exercise.

“20 minutes of press therapy as a means of rehabilitation after intense sports activity, such as exercise / training provides relief from the feeling of fatigue and muscle spasm”

Briefly the benefits of press therapy

  1. Increases / accelerates lymph flow, optimizing lymphatic drainage
  2. Increases blood flow
  3. Reduces venous pressure and venous stasis
  4. Tissue healing process is optimized
  5. Reduces acute and subacute post-traumatic oedema (injury, surgery)
  6. Reduces muscle pain and muscle fatigue after exercise
  7. Lymphedema of the upper extremities is treated after lymph node / breast surgery

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