Hifem Cellu Sculpt (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic)

Cellu Sculpt is a HIFEM (High-Intensity Focused Electromagnetic Muscle Trainer)  is a cutting-edge technology in non-invasive body contouring, as it not only DESTROYS FAT CELLS but also BUILDS MUSCLE.

Additionally, the treatment requires no anaesthesia, incisions, or discomfort. In fact, patients are able to sit back and relax, while the device performs the equivalent of more than 30,000 painless crunches or squats in just 30 minutes.

  1. Lying Down for 30 Minutes=5.5 Hours of Exercise
  2. Non-invasive treatment with no discomfort, Painless
  3. 19% Reduction in Fat
  4. 16% Increase in Muscle Mass
  5. No downtime
  6. Improve confidence in appearance
  7. Noticeable, natural-looking results
  8. Simple operation
  9. Short treatment times

‎Session frequency‎ is 2 – 4 times a week‎ for 30 minutes with at least 8 treatments on the area of abdomen, buttocks, arms, lower and upper knees.

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